Most effective sexual enhancement for men such as penis enlargement, sperm enhancement pills, anti premature ejaculation pills, and for libido enhancer.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Spice up women's sex life using herbal ingredients
Spicing up bedroom activities can be difficult. Does your sex life can become boring and tedious.
Many women wonder how they can add spice in lovemaking with their partner. Sex life is one of the most important things to keep ignited in order to fuel the
intimacy between you and your partner.
According to research, 10% to 15% of women have never had an orgasm either by themselves or with a partner, and somewhere between 30 to 50% of women have frequent difficulty reaching orgasm.
An oral supplement made from natural ingredients, has the means to help. It increases blood flow to the genitals and helps your body create natural lubricant in times of vaginal dryness. This is an all-natural libido enhancement product made specially for women; improving foreplay, speeding arousal, and enhancing sexual response by toning and oxygenating the reproductive system - with no side effects.
Nympho Max is formulated, specifically to support a woman's libido, vagina moistening and optimize sexual gratification. When a woman takes NymphoMax she cannot help but make love.
Just take 1 or 2 pills prior to sex. Can be swallowed whole or dissolved in a drink.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
How To Make Love To Her For Extended Periods Of Time
• 65% of women admitted to FAKING ORGASMS ON A REGULAR BASIS to please their man!
• Only 15% of women have an orgasm more than once per week!
• 78% of them said they preferred a cuddle to sex as they were not being sexually satisfied by their partner!
• 92% of women admitted to having faked an orgasm at some time in the last 3 years!
Can you believe that?!?
Well believe it or not, it's true... MOST men are absolute failures in bed and often they don't even realize it.
What does this mean to us guys? ... Me and you.
It means, most of us don’t have the slightest clue about how to please our partner sexually EVEN if we THINK we do.
82% of men are described as "Below Average in bed" by their female partners
Do you REALLY want your partner to prefer a SEX TOY - A Little Rabbit Shaped Piece of Plastic?
Don’t miss this opportunity to finally set things straight. You and your partner deserve to enjoy long sessions of intimate, erotic pleasure without the nervousness, worry and panic that you are going to “cum quickly” by the end of the first quarter!
Simply Click Here To know more
Saturday, June 20, 2009
How common is Premature ejaculation?
At the 2006 Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, an American research paper reported:
• the average lasting time of men with PE was 1.8 minutes.
• 'normal' men lasted an average of 7.3 minutes.
Proven formula that can cure Premature ejaculation.
Men, all over the world, are now experiencing an increase in their sex duration with last long herbal sex pills. Just imagine if you could last 5 - 10 times longer, and never have to worry about the embarrassment of cumming to quickly.
Last Long is a unique and extraordinary formula, in which a blend of various pure herbs and natural ingredients are combined to create this remarkable product, to not only generate rock hard erections, but also increase sex duration by up to 10 times, and allow you more control over ejaculation.
Last Long Clinical Trials:
In one study we carried out, 10 men were given Last Long pills. They experienced more stamina on the first night and the results were as follows:
- 2 men lasted 25 minutes longer and have orgasms upto 2 times
- 5 men lasted 20 minutes longer and more
- 2 men lasted 15 minutes longer
Read More here
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Proven Hair Loss Formula that Works!
To prevent and treat most forms of hair loss, the level of DHT in the body must be decreased. Hair Again will naturally block the conversion of free testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. It has similar mechanism of action to prescription drugs such as finasteride (Propecia), but it doesn't have the negative side effects associated with finasteride and other prescription drugs. Hair again contains DHT prohibitors and nutrients specifically targeted at the hair follicles
Hair Again is scientifically designed to help men retain and regrow their hair, and stop hair loss. The active ingredients are all-natural DHT inhibitors. No harsh chemicals, no hair sprays or special shampoos, and no side effects. Hair Again is the natural and convenient solution to hair loss, available without a prescription.
- Blocks DHT formation
- Improve blood supply
- Promote Hair re-growth
- Reverse hair shrinkage and thinning
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The magic of Niagra Anti Impotence pills
One of the most common sexual dysfunction experienced by men is Erectile Dysfunction. This ailment can be explained as a inability to get or maintain enough erection required to have satisfactory sex. If this problem is faced occasionally then there is nothing much to worry about.
The incidence of erectile dysfunction increases with age. This problem can occur at any age but as per data 5 to 25% of men get affected by this in the age group of 40 to 65 years. This can go as high as 50% by the age of 70 years. If we analyze the causes of this disease, erectile dysfunction can happen due to both physical and psychological factors.
Since Drugs like Levitra, Viagra and Cialis are gaining popularity and have given new hopes to people suffering from erectile dysfunction. But it can cause serious side effects and interact in dangerous ways. The reported side effects are usually mild, and include headache, flushing, nasal congestion, nausea, dyspepsia, diarrhea, and abnormal vision (seeing a bluish hue or brightness).
Due to a risky effects of prescription anti impotence medicines, group of professional Doctors and Herbalists started to do research on finding out the most effective ingredients for the alternative way to cure impotency without having any adverse side-effects.
Niagra is a marvelous remedy, that the doctors and herbalists invented to treat erectile dysfunction naturally.
The all-natural blend of herbs found in Niagra is designed to restore blood flow, release stored testosterone, and heighten sensation by enhancing the body's natural hormone production, nitric oxide levels and PDE-5 activity necessary for men to achieve an erection.
Niagra is part of the medicines group known as PDE5 inhibitors.
That's why Niagra natural anti ED pills stamp out All Ed Formulas on this planet..."
Challenges Top ED chemical drug manufacturers by its effectiveness and plus it is made in New Zealand.
In order to eradicate ED trust Niagra anti impotence pills and experience the magic of Niagra and put an end to this problem forever.
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Saturday, June 6, 2009
Herbs to treat premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is common and probably affects every man at some point of his life.
There is no clear cause. However, it is often caused by psychological factors such as fear, guilt, anxiety and over-stimulation. Practice and relaxation may help you deal with this problem. Perhaps you can distract yourself by thinking non-sexual thoughts to delay ejaculation. For some men, reducing or stopping the use of alcohol and tobacco may help. Traditional remedies may also be helpful.
Herbs such as horny goat weed, ginkgo, ginseng, puncture vine, muira puama, withania and damiana can be used to improve health and functioning of the sexual organs. Withania, for instance, has been used for debility and nervous exhaustion. All these herbs are beneficial if you are experiencing fatigue.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Doctors developed best anti premature ejaculation treatment
Our group of professional doctors and herbalist has spent many years in Research and Development and as a direct result of that research they are now pleased to offer you a 100% Safe and Natural Product that can permanently and safely cured your embarrassing Premature ejaculation problem.
Men, all over the world, are now experiencing an increase in their duration in bed within the first week of taking last long herbal pills.
At first, many men were skeptical about this product, but after they tried this pills, their self-esteem and life changed for the better. These results can be yours too.
Last Long is a unique and extraordinary formula, in which a blend of various pure herbs and natural ingredients are combined to create this remarkable product, to not only generate rock hard erections, but also increase duration by up to 10 times, and allow you more control over ejaculation. Effects will be noticed within the first week, and usually 98% of all men will be permanently resolved in their pre-ejaculation problem.
Please visit the site and read on to discover more about last-long pill.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Free Anti premature ejaculation treatment
Monday, May 11, 2009
Last Long Reviews
Steve R. (USA)
Although I diddnt have a PE problem, I tried Last Long because my Girlfriend is very demanding, and needs to spend at least 30min having sex. I found Last Long now alows me to give here the loving she requires.
Joe. (USA)
I was always to scared to have sex with women, because I could only last 3 or 4 pumps. This was very embarasing for me, and i thought my sexlife would be ruined for ever. Since taking Last Long , my problem is cured, and my sexlife has never been better! Thanks Last Long .
Most of the Indian men have this perennial problem of pre-mature ejaculation due to hyper-hormonal synthesis caused by over excitement in the brain receptors.This could be linked to the monogamy practice prevelant in India where 80% of the population have sex only after marriage and that too with just one partner.I suffer from it as well and so do many of my patients.In fact i made a small forum for men suffering from PME and had weekly sessions to discuss various mental and physical excercises that would help control it.However nothing of that helped.I was then contacted by your sales rep in mumbai and he gave me some sample packs.Well i personally monitored the course of myself and my patient group and it did achieve 100% results.The hormonal hyperactivity was controlled and the hypothalamatic activity was tapered, so that now all of us were lasting 20 minutes or more after penetration. I was amazed and remain amazed till date with the efficacy. I strongly recommend Last Long.
Click here To know more
about the "PROVEN TO WORK" Last Long anti premature ejaculation
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Premature Ejaculation Cure: Self-Love
So what about the much more common problem of premature ejaculation? In this case, masturbation can be just the ticket. Having repeated orgasms will bring on delayed ejaculation in almost any guy. Some believe that the best premature ejaculation tip is to double the number of orgasms a man has per week. And if that doesn't work, to double it again.
There's some evidence to support this folk remedy.
"Young men with a short refractory period may often experience a second and more controlled ejaculation during an episode of lovemaking," says Chris G. McMahon, MD, in a 2004 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine .
Masturbation may also help men learn to control their level of arousal, which is essential for delaying orgasm.
Other Ways to Treat Premature Ejaculation
One time-honored technique for premature ejaculation is to distract yourself -- to think about something boring or even disgusting to delay your orgasm. While this may work for some, it has the unfortunate side effect of distancing men from their partners and the sexual experience.
There's also an obvious alternative: pull out and stop having sex for a few minutes to postpone orgasm. Sex researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson elaborated on this when they developed the "squeeze-pause" technique, also known as the "penis grip," to quell the desire to climax. As the name implies, this involves squeezing the head of the penis as orgasm approaches.
Perelman helps men last longer by teaching them a variation of the Masters and Johnson technique. It involves slowing themselves down and altering their movements in a way that maximizes their partner's pleasure. They do this while maintaining their erection but without overexciting themselves.
Antidepressants for Premature Ejaculation?
For men who aren't helped by any of these techniques, there's a pharmaceutical option. Since some antidepressants -- selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs -- are known to cause delayed ejaculation, researchers tried them as a way to treat premature ejaculation. By taking an antidepressant four to six hours before intercourse, men prone to premature ejaculation can last longer.
Not surprisingly, drug companies were quick to take notice. A short-acting SSRI called dapoxetine has already been developed specifically for premature ejaculation. According to a 2006 study published in The Lancet , when taken one to three hours before sex, the drug increased the time from penetration to ejaculation from 1.75 minutes to 2.78 minutes for men treated with 30 milligrams of the drug. Men who got 60 milligrams lasted 3.32 minutes.
"A couple of minutes may not sound like much, but for these guys it was huge," said the lead author of the study, Jon L. Pryor, MD, when the results were published in September 2006. However, dapoxetine has not yet been approved by the FDA and is not available in the United States.
Although they also have not been approved, the antihistamine cyproheptadine and the anti-flu drug amantadine have been used with moderate success to treat delayed ejaculation, McMahon says.
Instead of drugs, some men use a desensitizing cream to delay orgasm. There's an even simpler solution: double up your condoms to reduce your stimulation.
Treating Ejaculation Problems
Whatever your ejaculation problem, there are solutions. The key is to get help. And we don't just mean from a doctor, although that's important -- ejaculation problems can be signs of more serious medical issues, after all.
But you also need to talk openly with your partner -- something that many men are loath to do.
"Almost universally, men [with ejaculation problems] fail to communicate their preferences for stimulation to either their doctor or their partners, because of shame, embarrassment, or ignorance," Perelman tells WebMD.
So don't stay mum and let shame or male pride ruin your sex life (and your partner's). Letting that tension build up will just make things worse. With some openness, some discussion, and maybe a few fun new techniques in the bedroom, you can overcome your ejaculation problem. That means less worry and more sex.
Sexual Performance Enhancement
Sexual Performance Enhancement is for those who need to have some help regarding their sexual performance. Age, exhaustion and stress can be the main factors that affect your performance negatively. You could find difficulty in holding your erection or you may not get complete erection at all. At times, Premature Ejaculation is also a problem with men.Men could also find it difficult to concentrate on sex. This is plenty to make their partner feel insecure and unwanted.
Sexual Performance Enhancement is the purpose of helping men out with all of the sexual problems. Loss of libido and inability to reach and orgasm is also experience in women. Therefore, men and women both need enhancements which will help them restore the lost zest for sex.
Other types of enhancements you will find are not in form of Sex Toys, instead these are in form of medicines. These pills are available abundantly on the market. However, some pills like the Viagra have better performance enhancement ability. In fact men can use these pills and feel the difference within some hours. These Male Enhancement Pills are ideal for those who want to add a little power to their fading sexual capability. However, these pills should be used only after consulting a physician.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Spermomax Natural Ingredients
Spermomax contains a number of natural sex tonics and aphrodisiacs, which have been used in herbal formulations for 1000s of years in Asia and around the world, for their ability to support normal sexual desire, potency, and performance.
The tonics in Spermomax, also aid with penile blood flow, resulting in fuller firmer erections, and a larger looking penis even while flaccid. Some uses have reported a size increase of 1 inch, while on spermomax
How does Naturamax work?
Packed with aphrodisiacs and sex tonics, Naturamax will have you functioning at your best, with guaranteed rock hard erections every time. Naturamax can also help you overcome any impotence, premature ejaculation or sexual dysfunction problems.
How big can I get?
While some men have reported an increase of 2 full inches in length, the average size gains after a 6 month course is 20% in girth and 25% in length. Generally the bigger your penis currently is, the bigger it will become. It is a safe alternative to dangerous and expensive surgery that has been recommended by doctors and health practitioners . If you are ready to experience this amazing phenomenon for yourself, you can make it happen with Naturamax.
What are the ingredients?
The sophisticated blend of herbal powders and extracts in each capsule consists of:
- Tongkat Ali
- Tribulus terrestris
- Ginkgo biloba
- Saw palmetto
- Maca
- Oatstraw
- Nettle Leaf
- Cayenne
- Licorice Root
- Ginseng
- L-Arginine
- Zinc
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Horny Goat Weed Shows Promise for ED
Horny goat weed and related herbs have purportedly been treatments for sexual dysfunction for years. Now scientists may be a step closer to discovering how compounds from horny goat weed may work.
The ability to get and maintain an erection depends upon blood flowing into the penis and staying there long enough. One way drugs like Viagra work is to inhibit an enzyme called PDE-5, thereby keeping blood flowing to the penis.
Researchers, led by Mario Dell'Agli at the University of Milan, found that the main compound in horny goat weed, called icariin, acted the same way that Viagra does.
The research team studied a handful of plants and the compounds in them. They found that out of all the plant compounds, icariin was the most potent of the group.
Scientists tested icariin and other plant compounds in a lab by exposing them to an enzyme that regulates blood flow to the penis. They also chemically modified the icariin and found that its effect in the lab was similar to that of Viagra.
They write that this "is a promising candidate for further development." They warn, however, that some plant extracts could actually "interfere with erectile function."
ED is a condition that affects some 18 million men in the U.S.
The study is to be published in the Oct. 24 issue of the Journal of Natural Products .
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Natural Sexual Performance Enhancements
At NaturesHerb we carefully select our natural ingredients from experienced and reputable suppliers to make sure that our customers get only authentic, and high quality herbals for your healthy sexual lifestyle. All our herbal supplements are manufactured and tested in top grade pharmaceutical labs.
NaturesHerb Natural Products is absolutely committed to maintaining the highest quality products, drug free, safe and 100% natural herbals .
Are you concerned about your sexual health or just want to improve your performance? Whatever the health issue, we likely have something that can help. Have you heard about a supplement on Oprah or read about one in some magazine? No doubt we have that, too.
Click here for More Information
Saturday, April 18, 2009
What Is HerSolution Gel?
HerSolution Gel™ is a female enhancement cream created to improve your sex life. Made with top-shelf ingredients, HerSolution Gel™ is a lube but with an extra kick. Whether you use it all the time or just on rare occasions is completely up to you. This product is completely safe and hypo-allergenic.
You may be one of the many women who experiences vaginal dryness. It's a common condition, and can be caused by a number of things, from hormone fluctuation, smoking cigarettes, or difficulty getting aroused. Maybe it's just stress getting to you; with work, family, and the small pressures that life piles on you, it's sometimes difficult to focus on sex. That doesn't mean you don't want to - it just means that you sometimes need a little help getting there. No matter what the reason, HerSolution Gel™ can help you get back on track.
Just place a small amount on your most sensitive areas and feel the difference. Like a regular lube, HerSolution Gel™ creates moisture. But unlike regular lube you buy at a drug store, it also increases blood flow and dilation of the blood vessels for a more intense sensation. Don't just use it for your genitals - try it on other sensitive parts of your body as well, such as nipples. You will feel warmth that will build as you play with your partner, building you to a strong climax.
Made from natural ingredients, it focuses on botanical essences, and quality vitamins. Shea and cocoa butters combine to create a silky, natural texture, while aloe is used as a soothing agent. HerSolution Gel™ is a water-based product. Water-based lubricant is more frequently recommended by doctors because it easily washes off the body and does not damage the effectiveness of condoms. As a topical cream, HerSolution Gel™ works almost immediately. The longer and more frequently you use it, the stronger the results.
Before you try an estrogen therapy for vaginal dryness, try HerSolution Gel™, a non-invasive solution. Even if you don't have a problem with your level of sexual satisfaction, why not give it a little added excitement? Intensify feelings and sensations like never before. If you thought you were having fun before, wait until you try this!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Do you have trouble reaching climax during sex, no matter how excited and ready you are? Then you may be one of the many women suffering from anorgasmia, and not even know it.
Most sexual health research has been devoted to troubles that have plagued men. A man has several options when it comes to curing ailments like erectile dysfunction, including but not limited to surgery, prescription drugs, or supplements. Now serious attention is being taken to your needs.
Now it's time for the attention to be on you. Women have been sexually dissatisfied for years, but until the latter part of the 20th century sex was widely perceived as simply a woman's duty. According to research, 10% to 15% of women have never had an orgasm either by themselves or with a partner, and somewhere between 30 to 50% of women have frequent difficulty reaching orgasm. That's 40% to 65% of women who are dissatisfied with their sex lives.
Recently a group of women's sexual health experts came up with a more precise definition of anorgasmia:
Despite the self-report of high sexual arousal/excitement, there is either a lack of orgasm, markedly diminished intensity of orgasmic sensations or marked delay of orgasm from any kind of stimulation.
While anorgasmia does happen to males, it is far more likely to affect females. There has been very little study of male anorgasmia.
There are two kinds of anorgasmia: primary anorgasmia, in which orgasm has never been attained, and secondary anorgasmia, where the patient has orgasmed in the past but either can't at all anymore or can only reach her climax in specific cases, such as through masturbation. Chances are that if you or your partner suffers from either form of anorgasmia, there are several treatments to consider. The root to treating the dysfunction is to find out what's causing it. It's advisable to see your doctor so that they can rule out any form of illness that may be at fault, in the case of both primary and secondary anorgasmia. Once anything medical has been ruled out, it's on to other forms of diagnosis and treatment. Similarly, if a bad past experience is to blame, such as sexual abuse, then counselling may be something to consider.
If you're stressed, then your mind is elsewhere instead of with your partner. Take the time to relax, eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep. It sounds simple, but a healthy lifestyle is important to maintain a healthy sex life.
Only 30% of women regularly orgasm through intercourse. Many women need stimulation to the genitals, particularly the clitoris, through manual or oral means. It's possible that you aren't reacting like you used to because your sex life has become stale. Think of what is sexually exciting to you, and communicate with your partner what you would like to try. Therapy with a registered sex therapist has helped many couples get their romantic life back on track.
HerSolution, an oral supplement made from natural ingredients, has the means to help. It increases blood flow to the genitals and helps your body create natural lubricant in times of vaginal dryness. More importantly to someone with anorgasmia of any kind, HerSolution balances hormones and increases sensations to help you reach orgasm. It is safe and effective to use with any medications you may be taking.
How to Increase Your Sperm Production through Volume pills
After watching porn stars drown in loads, increasing the volume of ejaculation has become a common desire among men. There are three main reasons why men nowadays have become obsessed in increasing how much sperm spurts out when they ejaculate.
The first reason is mainly for ego. Most men think that a large amount of ejaculate proves to their partners that they are indeed manly and virile. Some also tend to think that satisfaction in sexual experiences is measured by the amount of ejaculation.
Another reason is to enhance sexual gratification. This is applicable to those taking anti-depressants. Difficulty in achieving orgasm is a common side effect of such medications along with the decline in sex drive. Consequently, men under prescription anti-depressants are constantly searching for a safe and natural way of improving their desire for sex as well as enhance their orgasms.
The third and last reason can be associated to fertility issues. Simply put, men wants to increase the volume of their ejaculation to help their partners to conceive.
During the past few years, the medical community had been committed to developing a safe and effective alternative treatment than the run of the mill advice that has been handed down from one generation to the next. Several companies have sought to develop a safe, non-prescription herbal formula that is capable of boosting ejaculatory volume and sperm production while enhancing sperm motility and thus, the phenomenal influx of sperm enhancement products in the market,
Volume Pills is one such product. This is an all natural and FDA approved enhancement formula that is proven to increase sperm quantity and quality. In some ways, Volume Pills is the union of modern and ancient medicine. It contains herbs and amino acids that for centuries have been used to increase libido, sexual stimulation and virility. These ingredients have been involved in conscientious medical trials and carry doctor recommendations.
Compare to other products, Volume Pills contains a unique blend of ingredients that provides the nutrients needed to create quality, thick sperm with good motility and life. Aside from increasing sperm volume, men could also enjoy other benefits of Volume Pills such as longer orgasm, increased sexual desire, intensified orgasm, rock hard erections, powerful ejaculations and improved fertility.
The product is sold only from their official site which is Another perk in this exclusive offer is their guaranteed scheme. Customers can try Volume Pills for 2 months and if they do not experience a noticeable increase in sperm volume then they’ll have an entire year to make a refund request.
One piece of advice for any man interested in increasing their ejaculation volume, forcefulness of their orgasms, sexual satisfaction from orgasms, or chances of natural conception try volume pills: Volume pills help. If you do not achieve the desire result, you’ll surely get your money back. With this risk free offer, no wonder this product had swiftly become a leader in this field.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Spermomax Free cum volume pills
Thanks to our 100% natural Spermomax, you will increase the amount of your ejaculations and the quality of your sperm up to 500%. The results are absolutely guaranteed.
Spermomax pills contains only natural ingredients that have been known to interact with the male sexuality. Many factors come into play when it comes to enjoying a fulfilling sexual lifestyle. A lot of men suffer from performance anxiety. They fear weak erections, insignificant ejaculations, short penetration and disappointing orgasms. Ultimately, they feel they are letting down their sexual partner, and themselves. Sex becomes a chore, a painful experience that slowly grinds self-confidence away... and inhibits you even further from performing sexually.
Spermomax volume pills is a 100% safe, proprietary selection special herbs blended in a powerfully effective combination. Manufactured in a Certified Pharmaceutical facility.
Why Spermomax cum pills?
How Last Long anti premature ejaculation Works?
Last Long is the only product which allows YOU to control when you ejaculate. If you normally ejaculate within the first few minutes of penetration then you must try this product, for your sake, and for the sake of your partner. No woman wants a one-minute wonder! Last Long can give you back the control you need to be both a satisfied, and a satisfying lover.
The good news for men that suffer from premature ejaculation is that you CAN do something about it. And that “something” comes in the form of Last Long, a unique herbal formulation that is GUARANTEED to give you back the control in your sexual performance. Last Long successfully slows down the production of hormones, therefore giving you extended penetration time, after just the first dose. Many men have reported lasting 5-10 minutes longer within the first few days of taking Last Long.
Get your Free Trial now to discover what our "proven to work" formula can do for you.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The uses of plants for medicine and other purposes changed little in early medieval Europe. Many Greek and Roman writings on medicine, as on other subjects, were preserved by hand copying of manuscripts in monasteries. The monasteries thus tended to become local centers of medical knowledge, and their herb gardens provided the raw materials for simple treatment of common disorders. At the same time, folk medicine in the home and village continues uninterrupted, supporting numerous wandering and settled herbalists.
Most herbalists concede that pharmaceuticals are more effective in emergency situations where time is of the essence. An example would be where a patient had elevated blood pressure that posed imminent danger. However they claim that over the long term herbs can help the patient resist disease and in addition provide nutritional and immunological support that pharmaceuticals lack. They view their goal as prevention as well as cure.
Herbalists tend to use extracts from parts of plants, such as the roots or leaves but not isolate particular phytochemicals. Pharmaceutical medicine prefers single ingredients on the grounds that dosage can be more easily quantified. Herbalists reject the notion of a single active ingredient. They argue that the different phytochemicals present in many herbs will interact to enhance the therapeutic effects of the herb and dilute toxicity.