Thursday, May 7, 2009

Premature Ejaculation Cure: Self-Love

So what about the much more common problem of premature ejaculation? In this case, masturbation can be just the ticket. Having repeated orgasms will bring on delayed ejaculation in almost any guy. Some believe that the best premature ejaculation tip is to double the number of orgasms a man has per week. And if that doesn't work, to double it again.

There's some evidence to support this folk remedy.

"Young men with a short refractory period may often experience a second and more controlled ejaculation during an episode of lovemaking," says Chris G. McMahon, MD, in a 2004 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine .

Masturbation may also help men learn to control their level of arousal, which is essential for delaying orgasm.

Other Ways to Treat Premature Ejaculation

One time-honored technique for premature ejaculation is to distract yourself -- to think about something boring or even disgusting to delay your orgasm. While this may work for some, it has the unfortunate side effect of distancing men from their partners and the sexual experience.

There's also an obvious alternative: pull out and stop having sex for a few minutes to postpone orgasm. Sex researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson elaborated on this when they developed the "squeeze-pause" technique, also known as the "penis grip," to quell the desire to climax. As the name implies, this involves squeezing the head of the penis as orgasm approaches.

Perelman helps men last longer by teaching them a variation of the Masters and Johnson technique. It involves slowing themselves down and altering their movements in a way that maximizes their partner's pleasure. They do this while maintaining their erection but without overexciting themselves.

Antidepressants for Premature Ejaculation?

For men who aren't helped by any of these techniques, there's a pharmaceutical option. Since some antidepressants -- selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs -- are known to cause delayed ejaculation, researchers tried them as a way to treat premature ejaculation. By taking an antidepressant four to six hours before intercourse, men prone to premature ejaculation can last longer.

Not surprisingly, drug companies were quick to take notice. A short-acting SSRI called dapoxetine has already been developed specifically for premature ejaculation. According to a 2006 study published in The Lancet , when taken one to three hours before sex, the drug increased the time from penetration to ejaculation from 1.75 minutes to 2.78 minutes for men treated with 30 milligrams of the drug. Men who got 60 milligrams lasted 3.32 minutes.

"A couple of minutes may not sound like much, but for these guys it was huge," said the lead author of the study, Jon L. Pryor, MD, when the results were published in September 2006. However, dapoxetine has not yet been approved by the FDA and is not available in the United States.

Although they also have not been approved, the antihistamine cyproheptadine and the anti-flu drug amantadine have been used with moderate success to treat delayed ejaculation, McMahon says.

Instead of drugs, some men use a desensitizing cream to delay orgasm. There's an even simpler solution: double up your condoms to reduce your stimulation.

Treating Ejaculation Problems

Whatever your ejaculation problem, there are solutions. The key is to get help. And we don't just mean from a doctor, although that's important -- ejaculation problems can be signs of more serious medical issues, after all.

But you also need to talk openly with your partner -- something that many men are loath to do.

"Almost universally, men [with ejaculation problems] fail to communicate their preferences for stimulation to either their doctor or their partners, because of shame, embarrassment, or ignorance," Perelman tells WebMD.

So don't stay mum and let shame or male pride ruin your sex life (and your partner's). Letting that tension build up will just make things worse. With some openness, some discussion, and maybe a few fun new techniques in the bedroom, you can overcome your ejaculation problem. That means less worry and more sex.


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